Head Office

The company located in Mirqab – KBT Tower – 37th floor
The company’s postal address: P.O. Box 1245, Dasman 15463, Kuwait.
Phone (965-22916681) Fax (965-22916787)
Email : info@sharqinv.com

Map location : Click here

For inquiries

Contact us through the following form

    Department heads contact information


    Mr. Khaled Awad

    Phone: +965 22916681

    Email : ceo@sharqinv.com

    Executive Vice President of Asset Management

    Mr. Hani Abdel Halim

    Phone: +965 22916061

    E-mail : h.haleem@sharqinv.com

    Client management investment portfolio manager

    Mr. Ahmed Al-Jeriwi

    Phone: +965 22916645

    Email : a.aljuraiwi@Sharqinv.com

    Client management investment portfolio manager

    Mr. Haitham Hashem Mohamed Ahmed

    Phone: +965 22916622

    Email : h.ahmed@sharqinv.com

    Client portfolio manager in the company’s management

    Mr. Fahad Al Maktoum

    Phone: +965 2291669

    Email : f.almaktoum@sharqinv.com

    Company portfolio manager

    Mr. Faisal Koya

    Tel: +965 22916652

    Email : f.koya@sharqinv.com

    A representative of the activity of a stockbroker not registered in the stock exchange

    Mr. Hani Abdel Halim

    Tel: +965 22916061

    Email : h.haleem@sharqinv.com

    Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Abdo Al Bassiouni

    Tel: 22916104

    Email : a.elbassiouni@Sharqinv.com

    Customer Relationship Officer

    Mrs. Noura Madi

    Tel: +965 22916651

    Email : n.madi@sharqinv.com

    Compliance Manager
    Mr. Khaled Al-Hadrob
    Tel: +965 22916671

    Email : k.alhadrab@shatqinv.com

    Risk Officer

    Mr. Sujan Thomas

    Tel: +965 22916614

    Email : sojanthomas@sharqinv.com

    Customer Complaints Officer

    Mr. Mahdi Hamza

    Tel: +965 22916610

    Email : client.complaint@sharqinv.com

    Investors Affairs Unit Officer

    Mr. Daoud Merwin

    Tel: +965 22916683

    Email : investor.complaints@sharqinv.com